хуже не будет
Turkish citizens report having the highest average number of sexual partners during the course of their lives. The average person in Turkey has 14 sexual partners.
I'm interested if this conneted with the number of руснявых наташек-туристок. Хотя, насколько мне известно, туда не только руснявые шмары ездят, но и немки и всякие прочие европейки.
Turkish citizens report having the highest average number of sexual partners during the course of their lives. The average person in Turkey has 14 sexual partners.
I'm interested if this conneted with the number of руснявых наташек-туристок. Хотя, насколько мне известно, туда не только руснявые шмары ездят, но и немки и всякие прочие европейки.